The satellite DAICHI * mainly observed land areas all over the globe, but organizing its data to cover such broad areas has stalled due to the constraints of some challenges and the computation ability for automation in 3D mapping technology. 3D maps are essential for organizing geographic spatial information, but, to date, manpower and airplanes were required to compile 3D maps thus such processes were limited due to cost and time constraints. The needs for geographic spatial information are increasing all over the world to organize basic map information and prepare for disasters such as tsunamis and floods, etc.

AW3D Promotion Movie (to move to the YouTube).NTT DATA Corporation / RESTEC: "AW3D World 3D Topographic Data".ALOS Global Digital Surface Model "ALOS World 3D - 30m" (AW3D30) dataset.The publication of the lower resolution version of the global DEM will be announced here. We expect that data from Japan will become the base map for all global digital 3D maps, and contribute to the expansion of satellite data utilizations and the industrial promotion, science and research activities as well as the Group on Earth Observations. In order to popularize the utilization of the 3D map data, JAXA will also prepare global digital elevation model (DEM) with lower spatial resolution (of about 30 meters under our current plan) to publish it as soon as it is ready. JAXA will commission the compiling work and service provision to NTT DATA Corporation and Remote Sensing Technology Center (RESTEC), Japan. By applying our research and development results, we will start the 3D map processing in March 2014 to complete the global 3D map in March 2016. As we conducted research and development for full automatic and mass processing map compilations, we now have a perspective to process 150,000 maps per month.

JAXA has been processing about 100 digital 3D maps per month as part of our engineering validation activities of DAICHI so for.